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GIRLBOSSing in Los Angeles with Netflix

Hey there lovely people. How are you all doing today? I really want to thank each one of you for voting for me for the Elle Blogger Of The Year 2016 award! This year has been crazy & things like these keep me excited to create some delightful content for all of you! I'm already working on some fun projects & can't wait to share it with all of you! YOU ARE AWESOME! Thank you for being so amazing! Well this post is a travel post! YAYYY! Yes I'm finally here with my Los Angeles travel story. Had started writing it while I was on my flight to the US and finally managed to put it up! Here you go-

So finally this is happening. Yes it is. I can't really express my feelings at the moment...but it feels surreal. My life experiences are making me believe more in myself & the Universe day by day. It's crazy how things happen, how you believe in it & you see it happening. There are things that are meant to be. I have told that a couple of times, but again here is what I mean. When you have thought of something very strongly & obviously worked for it, the process or may be the path to reach your manifestation is just so simple. Like for example you have worked hard for something, you see an opportunity coming, you just kinda know that it's going to feel it. And it will happen irrespective of the process in between which can be talking to people, getting some papers done, or may be some formalities, like it can be anything... but this process means that here you are dependent on something or someone. As to reach there you have to go through this situation where somebody else or may be an exam would give you a pass ticket.

That's right, they do, but if you have already got the signs that it is happening for sure, you have that thing on your mind going on all the time... you see symbols, you see some connection, you see some dots joining, just believe in it & say YES this is happening & don't fear about the process, be confident because you have already got it.

It's crazy! I'm on my way to LA. Things happen in such a short time, well yes it's my first time to the states and in a very short period I had to get my Visa for this. When I received a mail for it, I just couldn't believe it but also I kind of of did, because I was just thinking about the fact that now soon I have to plan a travel trip to the US or something should come up my way because I have done enough of Europe, Africa & Asian seriously I'm not even joking, I had already sent the message to the Universe. And the day I got the mail.. I wasn't surprised as it wasn't the first time something like this was happening to me. Like there are so many things that I have thought & it's come my way! I feel so grateful but yes we our thoughts are so powerful & it has no limits!

Now coming to what called me to the US! Well this was really a surprise for me!

Guess who wrote to me... NETFLIX...OMG! It was like a dream come true, not exactly but yes this was big... I felt so grateful, and still am and will always be for this and many more things! After that mail, I started spotting signs everywhere... Boom!! I just manifested this whole LA collaboration with Netflix happening. As that was the main subject going on in my mind, I constantly saw signs in different & all possible ways. Or may be it's just that you see what you want to see, and since that's the case, I could only see this.

Nothing was confirmed, but I had two another amazing collaborations on my way... One was walking for Ritu Kumar's show during LFW & another was a travel thing to Marrakesh with Clinique. They were happening at the same time too, but I completely made up my mind for this, set my priorities and dropped the rest. Being confused or in two minds, just won't help you. Yes there are few things that are meant to happen, but for that you have to send your energy for it the right way. You have to be okay to drop some opportunities with no regrets. That's when you'll be happy in the present & you will enjoy what's coming on your way. Thinking about 100 things, scattered energy, wanting everything is not the right way to think, like thinking to want everything is right, but also remember everything will happen, yes I'm sure it will, but at the right time. Things can't happen together at the same time right, in the end you are just one, so focus on the one big thing that's happening which will eventually make ways for the other things in life.

For everyone things happen at different stages in life, but also remember that's the right time it's happening for each one of them. Well my dad has told me this so many times; whatever is happening in your life is all because of YOU. You can't blame anybody for things, because in the end you decided to experience it & at that particular moment you definitely thought it was right for you.

Nobody would take your share, there's enough for everyone in this Universe. And you can't be someone else and vice versa. So never be in a fear that if not me, somebody else is taking my place, because what's meant for you is meant for you. And what's not, even that has a reason to it.

I like sharing what I experience; I like stories, real ones. I like freedom of expression; it helps you grow. I'm so excited to be with Netflix for the next three days, and in Los Angeles ahaaaaan! You know how much I love travelling right, and yes I like it solo too! It's fun. It's my first time ever travelling in Business Class, oh yes, it's fancy and fun. Thanks to Netflix for arranging such an awesome travel. For the first time while I was doing a solo trip for Contiki, I was so nervous throughout my journey, not really nervous but I was contemplating things, how's everyone going to be like, how would this turn out, how are the people going to be like and all of that. These travel experiences have just made me so confident today... and it's just going to get better here on. Now I'm just so chill & fearless. Like I'm on my own world and yes with a very open minded perspective and no expectations. Oh! When I expect, I get disappointed. Which is the case with the most. Not the most, it's the case with expectations. Haha! Sooooo... My journey begins and I can't wait to document the same & share it with the world. Good vibes only. Writing this while I'm on my way to LA. So it was BOM to DXB and a connecting flight to LA. Can't wait to reach and get some surreal views of the palm tress around. My posts are going to be long, as it's my experience that I'm sharing and not just the event, or just fashion. It's like I'm telling you a story:) If bored, no issues at all. Skip this one and turn on to my next post.


And if you like it, come enjoy my journey with me and thank you so much for being a part of it. Xx


Outfit Details:

Jacket - Zara

Denims - H&M

Shoes - Adidas Originals

I reached the airport & met Charles, who was assigned to drive me from the airport to the hotel. We connected and it was really sweet of him to take me around in LA, like he took me for a drive in the neighbourhood instead of directly dropping me to the hotel. I saw Beverly Hills, finally! And yes... I just felt on top of the world. We had some meaningful conversations & Charles definitely brought a smile on my face & this already made me feel comfortable in the city! Oh yes, my first friend from LA. So down to earth & helpful, plus so positive!

I get attracted to that energy, it's so strong & full of love. I love it. I already started falling in love with the city. Thinking what to do next, I reached the hotel, checked in... and I just couldn't stop obsessing over my room. Fantastic! So industrial, rustic & minimalistic. That's the kind of style I love & yes it was surreal because the view from my room was of... Well now you know, yes it was the HOLLYWOOD sign! Like seriously! I'm so glad I had no expectations about anything, and this happened to me! It's crazy!!!! So grateful about things... life has it's own magic going on. I had a free day, so decided to visit the Hollywood sign in the evening, all by myself! And you won't believe! For those who ask me who clicks your pictures when you are alone...this is going to be interesting! Haha.

Outfit Details:

Top - Westside

Shorts - Arabellaa

Jacket - F21

Sports bra - Adidas

Shoes - Adidas Originals

Choker - Marie Claire

I got an Uber for myself, and I met Henry there... He was my Uber driver. Over here people just start talking to you, respect you & may be you even get into a conversation. Honestly, I have never seen this happening in India. Like talking to a Uber guy about life? No I haven't done that there, and I don't even think that would happen... Because it's different there. That's why I like travelling as it opens your eyes, like it's so funny that in the end we all our humans, but it's so different the way we have born & Brought up. But we are still so similar someway. It's crazy. So Henry was a singer & a filmmaker and was Ubering as a part time thing, which is very normal there. He was so sweet that he told me, 'come on I'll get you till the top. You take your time, enjoy the view, if you want me to get some pictures for you, you're welcome!' I was like woa! Honestly not even for a minute I felt that I was all by myself. I was just enjoying my journey! The sunset, the view, the feel of being there was surreal. We also took some photo stops, haha. He even told me, 'I'm your chauffeur for the evening'. Such a sweetheart. He played his music in the car, and also gifted me one of his albums, which is also available on itunes. I love meeting talented people! This inspires me.

I was already so in love with the city! He dropped me off at my hotel, I went for a stroll around, grabbed some coffee and got to see the beautiful sunset, the beauty of California... The palm trees, the dawn was so beautiful. I can't get over it and was so excited to experience this for the next 7 days!! The first day was pretty awesome! And I honestly was so excited that I forgot about the jet lag completely! Haha. Later back at my room, I had some more me-time. Me snaps, me music & me dance & me view of LA!

Day 2! Oh well what a fun day indeed, exploring the city & the coolest shopping street - MELROSE. In the morning, I was sun bathing at the pool side of my hotel and happened to meet some interesting people there too. Later that morning, I met the first influencer of this my cool GirlBoss Getaway with Netflix. Gevena is a fashion & Lifestyle blogger from Honkong! We got into some fun conversation while getting to know each other better, which was so much fun and then headed to Melrose! Oh! We had some fun time there. LA is such an artsy place. Every wall, interior of every store is so neat, creative & interesting. We checked out some cool stores, which I had always just heard about; starting from Nasty Gal to Dash to Revolve! Some really cool stuff there! We went to all these typical most grammed places, haha! Of course, we had to. The Paul Smith wall, the apartment by The Line, Alfred tea & coffee place and many more! Indeed a productive day with a super fun company & amazing weather! I'm in love with Melrose, you have to visit that place if you are in LA! In the evening, we headed for dinner with the Netflix team & yes I finally interacted with all other influencers on this trip. It was fun, chill & meeting people around the globe is always fun! Plus being there I realised that we all share so much in common as we all were doing something that we really like! It was interesting to hear their stories & share mine.

Outfit Details:

Romper - F21

Bralette - F21

Denim Shirt - Zara

Shoes - Adidas Originals

Outfit Details:

Top - F21

Skirt - F21

Belt - Dash

Heels - Zara

I knew the next two days were going to be busy & I was going to create some memories that would always be special & that I'll always be ready to share it with the world. Soooo guess whaaaat! We first visited the NETFLIX OFFICE. Honestly visiting LA was still something I had thought of but, visiting the Netflix office, that too for a brunch! Well NEVER even in my dreams had I thought of it. Sometimes, few things really do not sink because it's so surprising and the best is to enjoy with moment with no expectations. That's when you make the most out of it. Just have fun with life, accept what's coming, enjoy what's happening. And in this process keep working, keep going! Yes, the brunch was pretty cool; we met Lani, a photographer from LA who clicked some cool pictures of ours through out the campaign!

Following up the brunch, we were going to attend The Chealsea Handler Show! Woho! Oh yes, I was pretty excited... we all were. We reached the Sony Pictures Studios, that's where most of the sets are & even the Chealsea Taping happened there. It was actually my first time to watch a show live & I'm so happy to say that this happened to be my first one! I got to be on the first row, haha! If you see the show, you will easily spot me because of my mermaid denims! ;) They are such attention seeking pants! I wear them only on special occasions and this was perfect to pull them out!

Chealsea is hilarious; she's fun & yes so inspiring! I love her energy, the vibe she sends is so strong & she definitely attracts the crowd! Her puppy Chunk, is always there on her sets during the show! How cool is that! Plus he had a go pro on his back. The whole show that day was on Social media, how it's growing and how talents, influencers have grown on it. So there were YouTubers, model Kate Upton & our GirlBoss Sophia Amurso! She is flawless, I'm not even joking! Loved watching her being interviewed by Chealsea & Sophia is again such an inspiring woman.

I love to know such stories, there are few things I can just relate to & there's so much that I learn. That's how it works. You learn & you create & you grow! That's life. I like appreciating things, if I think it's worth it, it's amazing! I will do it anyhow! I get inspired from a lot of different things and different people; they don't have to be only from the fashion world. It can be anyone... As I believe, in your subconscious mind you always grasp some quality from others. It can be anything; may be it's their style, the way the look, the way they talk, the way they walk, it can be their story, absolutely anything. You also notice that quality which you don't want to have in you. In this process, with time you see a change & honestly you don't even realise when it actually happened to you! It's crazy!

Outfit Details:

Top - Nasty Gal

Bralette - F21

Bottoms - KOOVS

Shoes - Zara

Bag - Accessorize

Belt - Dash

The next day was pretty cool too! We headed to the set of GIRLBOSS TV! And guess whom we met there, Kate Canon! Oh yes! She's the creator of Girl boss, and she gave us a set tour & also told us how the whole series evolves around Sophia & some fun facts about the series! The set looked so cool, I just realised there's so much to do, the creativity, the amount of work involved in all of this was massive! I never actually imagined that until I saw this; every detail being taken care of. We also got to see the Girlboss wardrobe, definitely the best part about the girlboss getaway! It just got better for a bunch of fashionistas like us. The wardrobe was crazy! The mood board, the final shortlisted items & also got to see some cool vintage picks for the series! Yum! Want them all. I was literally going gaga over some pieces! Like so cool. It was indeed a productive day & so much to see and learn! After getting to see the sets of Girlboss, we had a one on one interview session with Sophia herself! We could ask and tell her whatever we wanted to! Oh my session was great, and yes more power to this woman for being so inspiring & fierce! Oh how can I forget to tell you that we got some really cool goodies from Nasty Gal & Netflix! Perks! Haha. That was pretty much what our day looked like! Interesting, fun & something that I'd always remember. I really can't wait for the series now that I have got a feel of it! 😁 I'm sure it's going to be amazing!

Outfit Details:

Top - F21

Bottoms - F21

Shoes - Zara

Choker - Nasty Gal

Post that we got back to the hotel in the evening to freshen up as we had our last dinner together planned, yea I definitely was sad that this getaway was getting over! But I was happy & grateful to experience this wonderful adventure & meet some inspiring people. Also, I had extended my trip, sooooo there was nothing to be sad about! Righhhhht? :D It's fun to dress up in LA, wear casuals or super dressy, nobody judges you there! Like you'd never feel awkward or out of the place! We went to this hotel called Ace, and I wore this Tommy Hilfiger dress straight from the runway!

Outfit Details:

Dress - Tommy Hilfiger

Jacket - Nasty Gal

Heels - Steve Madden

This place! I really can't get over it! The dinner was such a perfect end to my day! Thank you Netflix & Girlboss TV for having me in LA! Such a mad time with my girl-bosses there!

That's all about the getaway, I would continue with my LA adventure on my next post! Till then enjoy this getaway💗

-- Good vibes --


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